Choose The Life You Love


“Why?” “There must be more to this life malarkey”

I had a choice, give up or dig deep and keep fighting. I reached a turning point when a number of collisions came together to reignite my fire, the internal flame. My long-term relationship of 15 years completely broke down through self sabotage and lost love, my mother moved on from her cancer journey and she passed from her physical body, I was dependant upon alcohol and other external tools to cope with day to day life. On reflection, this is exactly what had to happen to lead to where I am on my path, to become this version of ‘Rachel’.

I will be honest, I was exhausted, angry and frankly ‘done’ with ignoring myself, putting all else first; listening to everyone else, doing what everyone else wanted, blindly following a lifestyle which was to be expected, I had always thought it had to be that way. This made me feel trapped, suffocated, demotivated, a shell of who I was inside, as if I was a robot. No, this had to change. I had the power to do so… So do you!

“Who am I?”, “Why am I?”, “What is I?”

There are so many ideals, concepts and notions of what ‘should be’, should be .At times with so many thoughts running ragged trying to make sense of it all it can be overwhelming and as you can imagine exhausting. I was forced to slow down, a true blessing of divine timing to reflect and turn within, to do self work; I was processing through all the versions of ‘myself’, all the versions of ‘Rachel’ who I thought I was supposed to ‘be’. This in turn then opened the door to all the trauma, personality traits, triggers and archetypes, all aspects of ‘the self' which showed up to be seen, healed, loved, forgiven and accepted to become part of a whole again.

Years passed by researching and learning many different modalities, listening to numerous teachers, lectures and attending courses, reading books, following paths. The expansion of awareness and consciousness led me to even  diving deeper into the spiritual realm and understanding of the infinite. How we can all heal, let go and find peace.

I had an innate knowing of a calling to teach, to hold space for others to unlock and understand the “Who? and the “Why”, I was blessed through the amazing people I had met along my journey, with all the experiences and emotions I had encountered internally and externally to grow to trust myself, my heart, my intuition. These are guides and the innate, source lead love light truth. We are all blessed with this wisdom, we are all apart of the whole, with the ability to live the life we love.

We are all individual and beautifully unique and uniquely one and all. Already perfect as we are. Because we 'Are’. If we choose we can embrace many different ways to grow, to heal and discover for ourselves the ‘who’ and the ‘why’. There is no right or wrong, good or bad; only what we resonate with at any given moment, what we need and what we are called to align with at any given point to expand as we see it to be so. Freedom at its centre. No preconceptions to what, but only to be in constant expansiveness. 

We all shine, whether we are aware of this energy or not. As we  become more aligned with our true self and our light this will allow for more growth, for we are in constant growth and in turn we start to realise our innate light, our power and our ability to create our life, our world and our reality. That is how free we are.

This is my service to others; to enable and empower, for all to stand on a path, live in truth with a full heart. A True Full Heart.

Centered and Full of All That Is & All That Will Be.